Make sure your voice is heard!
There are many pending legislations on current Respect Life issues.
Click picture below for link to
NJ Right to Life
for information and action needed.
Advanced Directives are legal documents that come into effect when an indivudal becomes incapacitated and can no longer make medical decisions for themselves. There are various forms these directives can take including power of attorney for health care, health care proxy, a living will, medical orders and more. To obtain a copy of Catholic Advanced Directives, click:
Advance Directive for Health Care
Spanish Advanced Directives for Health Care
Or call the Archdiocesan Respect Life office at (973)-497-4350 for a copy.
LIFENET is a non-profit educational organization reaching New Jersey communities with the facts about the humanity of the unborn child, abortion and other bio-ethical issues. We empower young people with critical information on human sexuality, sexually transmitted diseases, and encourage them to set the highest personal standards.
Respect Life Crisis Contact Information 24/7
All calls and emails are Confidential.
Are you facing an unexpected pregnancy?
Are you in need of healing for the pain from abortion?
Are you searching for support regarding end of life issues?
You are not alone.
Contact Cheryl A. Riley, Dir. of Respect Life
[email protected] / 973-497-4350
New Jersey has a safe haven for unwanted infants.
Leave the baby with staff at any hospital emergency room, police station, fire station, ambulance or rescue squad staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Patients Rights Council
Addressing euthanasia, assisted suicide, advance directives, disability rights, pain control and more...
Monthly Family Pro Life News Briefs