A third-generation Caldwell resident, Jackie, her husband, John, and their five children (Michael, Katherine, Emily, Stephen and David) are parishioners of St. Aloysius who enjoy the many spiritual and social activities available here. A graduate of James Caldwell High School and Rutgers University, Jackie enjoys working with the younger children of our parish overseeing religious education classes (Pre-K to grade 6) and First Reconciliation and First Eucharist preparation. She also manages the parish's social media presence, liturgy live stream and website. She works with the other members of the Religious Education staff on special activities such as Breakfast with Saint Nick, the Christmas Pageant, the Palm Sunday Family Mass, the Living Stations presentation, Vacation Bible Camp, Confirmation preparation and Children's Liturgy of the Word. She is also a Eucharistic Minister and staff representative to the Parish Pastoral Council. Jackie is also an avid reader and freelance church musician.